Last modified September 17, 2024 by Shelly Wolfe

iOS SDK upgrade guide

This guide provides information about how to upgrade to the latest Swrve iOS SDK. For information about the changes that have been made in each iOS SDK release, see iOS SDK release notes.

Upgrading via CocoaPods

If you’re upgrading via CocoaPods, ensure you complete the following for every upgrade:

  • Update all libraries to the latest SDK version; for example, 10.2.0.
  • Run the command pod repo update to ensure all references are up to date (for example, Geo SDK).

Version 10.2.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v10.2.0.

Version 10.1.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v10.1.0.

Version 10.0.0

This section provides information for upgrading to Swrve iOS SDK v10.0.0.

The following enums have been migrated to Swift. Please see below for more details on the breaking changes and how to access the updated properties.

  • SwrveStack
  • SwrveInitMode
  • SwrveMessageAction
  • SwrveCampaignStatus

We recommend using @import SwrveSDK instead of #import "SwrveSDK.h".

The following table lists the methods and fields that have changed or been removed:

Changed Summary
#import "SwrveSDK.h" Use @import SwrveSDK instead
Obj-C: SwrveStackEu
Obj-C: SwrveStackUs
Obj-C: SwrveInitModeAuto
Obj-C: SwrveInitModeManaged
SwrveActionDismiss Swift: .dismiss
Obj-C: SwrveMessageActionDismiss
SwrveActionCustom Swift: .custom
Obj-C: SwrveMessageActionCustom
SwrveActionImpression Swift: .impression
Obj-C: SwrveMessageActionImpression
SwrveActionClipboard Swift: .clipboard
Objc: SwrveMessageActionClipboard
Objc: SwrveCampaignStatusSeen
Objc: SwrveCampaignStatusUnseen
Objc: SwrveCampaignStatusDeleted
Objc: SwrveCampaignStatusDeleted
SwrveSDK.deviceUUID() SwrveSDK.deviceUUID() now returns an optional string
SwrveSDK.config() SwrveSDK.config() returns SwrveConfig rather than SwrveImmutableConfig
SwrveSDK.realTimeUserProperties SwrveSDK.realTimeUserProperties returns NSMutableDictionary rather than NSDictionary
SwrveEmbeddedMessage.type kSwrveEmbeddedDataTypeJson Swift:.json
ObjC: SwrveEmbeddedDataTypeJson
SwrveEmbeddedMessage.type kSwrveEmbeddedDataTypeOther Swift:.other
ObjC: SwrveEmbeddedDataTypeOther
Removed Summary
appStoreURLs This feature has been removed.
SwrveImmutableConfig This class has been removed. SwrveSDK returns SwrveConfig instead.
import SwrveSDKSwift
Use import SwrveSDK instead. SwrveSDKSwift file has been removed. The API registerLiveActivity has been moved to SwrveSDK.

Version 9.2.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v9.2.0.

Version 9.1.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v9.1.0.

Version 9.0.2

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v9.0.2.

Version 9.0.1

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v9.0.1.

Version 9.0.0

This section provides information for upgrading to Swrve iOS SDK v9.0.0.

The minimum iOS support has been increased from iOS 10 to iOS 12.

The following table lists the methods and fields that have changed or been removed:

Removed Summary
SwrveCustomButtonPressedCallback Please use SwrveInAppMessageDelegate instead to get campaign and button metadata.
SwrveDismissButtonPressedCallback Please use SwrveInAppMessageDelegate instead to get campaign and button metadata.
SwrveClipboardButtonPressedCallback Please use SwrveInAppMessageDelegate instead to get campaign and button metadata.
SwrveConfig.pushNotificationEvents Please use SwrveConfig.pushNotificationPermissionEvents instead and set it to Swrve.session.start to request the push notification upon install if required.
SwrveEmbeddedMessageConfig.embeddedMessageCallback  Please use SwrveEmbeddedMessageConfig.embeddedCallback instead.
SwrveEmbeddedMessageConfig.embeddedMessageCallbackWithPersonalization  Please use SwrveEmbeddedMessageConfig.embeddedCallback instead.
startLiveActivityTracking(activityId: activity:)  Please use registerLiveActivity(ofType attributesType: T.Type) instead.
resumeLiveActivityTracking(ofType activityType: Activity.Type) This method is no longer needed


If your integration previously relied on the Swrve SDK to request push permission upon install then please set Swrve.session.start in the Swrveconfig.pushNotificationPermissionsEvents API.

Version 8.13.1

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v8.13.1.

Version 8.13.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v8.13.0.

Version 8.12.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v8.12.0.

Version 8.11.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v8.11.0.

Version 8.10.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v8.10.0.

Version 8.9.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v8.9.0.

Version 8.8.1

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v8.8.1.

Version 8.8.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v8.8.0.

Version 8.7.0

This section provides information for upgrading to Swrve iOS SDK v8.7.0.

The following table lists the methods and fields that have changed or been removed:

Changed To
SwrveCustomButtonPressedCallback TheSwrveCustomButtonPressedCallback API is now deprecated. Please use SwrveInAppMessageDelegate instead to get campaign and button metadata.
SwrveDismissButtonPressedCallback TheSwrveDismissButtonPressedCallback API is now deprecated. Please use SwrveInAppMessageDelegate instead to get campaign and button metadata.
SwrveClipboardButtonPressedCallback TheSwrveClipboardButtonPressedCallback API is now deprecated. Please use SwrveInAppMessageDelegate instead to get campaign and button metadata.

Version 8.6.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v8.6.0.

Version 8.5.0

This section provides information for upgrading to Swrve iOS SDK v8.5.0.

The following table lists the methods and fields that have changed or been removed:

Changed To
SwrveConfig.pushNotificationEvents The SwrveConfig.pushNotificationEvents API is now deprecated. Please use SwrveConfig.pushNotificationPermissionEvents instead and set it to Swrve.session.start to request the push notification upon install.
SwrveEmbeddedMessageConfig.embeddedMessageCallbackWithPersonalization The SwrveEmbeddedMessageConfig.embeddedMessageCallbackWithPersonalization
API is now deprecated. Please use SwrveEmbeddedMessageConfig.embeddedCallback instead.

Version 8.4.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v8.4.0.

Version 8.3.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v8.3.0.

Version 8.2.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v8.2.0.

Version 8.1.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve iOS SDK v8.1.0.

Version 8.0.0

This section provides information for upgrading to Swrve iOS SDK v8.0.0.

The following table lists the methods and fields that have changed or been moved.

Removed Summary
SwrveMessageDelegate If you want to override the default in-app message display, we recommend using embedded campaigns.
userResourcesDiff userResourcesDiff is replaced by the userResourcesDiffWithListener API. This new API uses a callback listener that contains more information about where the result came from and any errors encountered.
Changed Summary
SwrveCustomButtonPressedCallback This API now contains an extra string argument for the campaign name.
SwrveDismissButtonPressedCallback This API now contains an extra string argument for the campaign name.

GIF support for in-app messages

To support using animated GIFs as your in-app message images and buttons, the Swrve SDK now requires SDWebImage as a dependency. If you integrate the SDK via CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager, it is automatically included and does not require any further code changes. However, Carthage integrations require you to include the SDWebImage.xcframework from our SwrveFramework project, or manually add SDWebImage to your Cartfile: github "SDWebImage" "~> 5.0"

Previous versions

If you are upgrading from a version older than 8.0.0, please refer to the iOS Integration Guide.