Last modified September 17, 2024 by Shelly Wolfe

Smart TV SDK upgrade guide

This guide provides information about how you can upgrade to the latest Swrve SmartTV SDK. For information about the changes that have been made in each SmartTV SDK release, see Smart TV SDK release notes.

Version 3.1.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve Smart TV SDK v3.1.0.

Version 3.0.1

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve Smart TV SDK v3.0.1.

Version 3.0.1

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve Smart TV SDK v3.0.1.

Version 3.0.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve Smart TV SDK v3.0.0.

The following table lists the methods and fields that have changed or been added:

Added Summary
SwrveSDK.onIAMShown() Set a callback to know when an in-app message has been shown on screen
SwrveSDK.isMessageShowing() Returns true if in-app message is currently showing on screen
config.customOS This allows you to override the OS name
config.customOSVersion This allows you to override the OS Version name
config.customDeviceName This allows you to override the Device name
config.customAppStore This allows you to override the App Store name

Version 2.1.0

There are no code changes required to upgrade to Swrve Smart TV SDK v2.1.0.

The following table lists the methods and fields that have changed or been added:

Added Summary
config.customKeyMappingBase This allows you to set custom key mapping for Base implementation

Version 2.0.0

This section provides information for upgrading to Swrve Smart TV SDK v2.0.0.

The following table lists the methods and fields that have changed or been added:

Changed To
identify(thirdPartyLoginId: onIdentifyError: ) identify(externalUserId: onIdentifySuccess: onIdentifyError:)

Added a success block to the Identify call. For more information see our Smart Tv Integration Guide

Added Summary
config.customPlatform This allows you to fully override our iPlatform.
config.customKeyMappingTizen This allows you to set custom key mapping for Tizen.
config.customKeyMappingWebOS This allows you to set custom key mapping for WebOS.

Previous versions

If you’re upgrading from a version older than 2.0.0, please refer to the Smart TV integration guide.