Setting up Swrve
Everything you need to know to integrate Swrve into your app, get the most out of your Swrve integration and use the data sources available with Swrve to perform in-depth customer analysis.
Integration guides
Follow the guide for your platform to integrate the Swrve SDK into your app:
Integration resources
Additional resources about assigning user properties, managing user resources for A/B tests, testing your complete integration, optimizing your Swrve integration and tracking user acquisition data.
SDK upgrade guides
Instructions for upgrading to the latest version of the Swrve SDK.
API guides
API guides for implementing additional functionality around Swrve events, items/resources, data exports, A/B tests, referrer information, transactional push notifications and session tokens.
Data mining
Tutorials for using different Swrve data sources to perform advanced data analysis.
This information is aimed at developers responsible for integrating Swrve into your app and data analysts who are interested in using data from Swrve for advanced customer analysis. For information about using the Swrve service, consult the Swrve user documentation.