Last modified January 22, 2019 by Shelly Wolfe

Does Swrve host images and assets for resource A/B tests?

Swrve does not host images or other assets. If you want to resource A/B test images or other assets in your app, you can create references to your images in Swrve and then A/B test the references. For example, for a web-based app, image URLs (with the images stored on CDNs) could be changed as part of an A/B test.

If you include a property thumbnail with your resources, this thumbnail property will be assumed to be an image URL to be displayed in the Swrve resource editor. For more information about the Resource Editor screen, see Creating resource A/B tests.

However, we do manage the delivery of images used for in-app messaging A/B tests. For more information, see A/B testing in-app messages.