How do I reset iOS permissions for push notifications?

Push notifications are sent to a device via the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) using a device token that is unique to each app and user. These tokens can change over time, so Apple recommends requesting the latest device token each time the app opens. This device token is then sent to Swrve and used Read More

Does Swrve host images and assets for resource A/B tests?

Swrve does not host images or other assets. If you want to resource A/B test images or other assets in your app, you can create references to your images in Swrve and then A/B test the references. For example, for a web-based app, image URLs (with the images stored on CDNs) could be changed as Read More

How does Swrve get resource information to an iOS client?

There are a few patterns for getting Swrve resource data and A/B test data into your app running on iOS. Direct client query – all resource data One pattern for querying Swrve is to pull down the full resource list from the Swrve servers. Pulling down the full resource list means that any changes made Read More

What happens if I edit a resource that isn’t in an A/B test?

Depending on how your engineering team integrated Swrve into your app, one of three things happens: If your app fetches data from Swrve’s get user resources endpoint, users of your app see the resource values the next time they launch your app. If your app fetches data from Swrve’s get user resources diff endpoint, users Read More

How does Swrve handle offline users for A/B tests?

A user must be online at least once after a test begins to receive new resource data from Swrve. Once this happens, they are placed in a test variant (if eligible) and the Swrve SDK uses the relevant resource attributes for that variant. Once you end an A/B test, the user must go online at Read More

Can I still use Swrve if I’m already using another analytics provider?

Yes. You can use Swrve for the following purposes: Use Swrve for A/B testing only. Use a combination of Swrve and another service for analytics. Use Swrve as your only source of analytics and A/B testing. Of course, you should be aware of the bandwidth and battery costs of sending an event stream to multiple analytics Read More

What is the data source for the user attributes report?

The lifetime spend, lifetime minutes in app, and app version data on the User Attributes screen is calculated automatically for you by Swrve. The other attributes (level, age, gender and location) must be supplied by your development team to Swrve during your Swrve integration process. All default user attributes included in the user event must be Read More

How do I find out what makes users spend real money?

Finding out the items on which your users are spending real money can help you understand where to focus your promotions. Behavior may vary by segment so you’ll want to know whether your high rollers are spending money on the same items as your first time payers. You might also be wondering: Are my top-selling Read More

Integrating the iOS SDK using Swift

In iOS, developers have the option to develop in either Objective-C, which supports most iOS versions, and Swift, which is becoming more widely used in iOS development. While the Swrve iOS SDK includes a number of Objective-C files, Apple has made it easy to use both Swift and Objective-C in the same project. Integrating the iOS SDK using Read More

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