How do I configure how revenue is reported?

You can configure how revenue is reported on the Report Settings screen, in the Reporting Revenue section. On the Settings menu, select Report settings. The Multiplier field defines the multiplier to be applied to the default currency (USD) for reporting revenue KPIs. The default value is 1.0. This means that every dollar sold is represented 1:1 in Read More

Why use a Bayesian approach to A/B testing?

Bayesian and Null Hypothesis Testing (sometimes call Frequentist) schools represent very different philosophies in statistics. For some background reading, these are good places to start: What is the difference between Bayesian and frequentist statistics? What is the difference between Bayesian and frequentist statisticians? Bayesian and frequentist reasoning in plain English Until June 2013, Swrve used Read More

How do I calculate Lifetime Value (LTV)?

Lifetime Value (LTV) refers to the long-term value of your app users. LTV is a complex topic that has a number of components and different organizations have a variety of ideas about how to interpret the LTV of their users. This article provides information about how Swrve can help you to calculate your LTV. Average LTV Read More

Do Swrve SDKs use advertising identifier in iOS?

The Swrve SDK does not use the IDFA as of version 2.0.1. New submissions to the app store using older versions of the Swrve SDK may be rejected by Apple, so Swrve strongly recommends updating to the latest SDK. If you can’t upgrade to the latest Swrve SDK, follow the instructions below. If you upgrade Read More

How do I use events and payloads to track users?

This article highlights some common methods for using events and payloads to track users. Identify the level of users who make their first purchase Send an event (First.Purchase). Attach the payload of the current level of the user (“level”:3). Graph the event over all time or for the time period of your latest update. Locate the region Read More

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