How does Swrve calculate new user counts?

This article covers frequently asked questions about new user counts. What does Swrve consider a new user? Swrve calculates new users by taking all of the event data for a given day and counting those users who were not already active. Swrve also calculates new users on an hourly and monthly basis, available via the Swrve Export API. Read More

How do I use real-time targeting?

Swrve introduced the ability to update segments on a near real-time basis in January 2014. Previously, users were added to segments within approximately 60 minutes. Thanks to the real-time feature, KPI charts populate at a faster rate, allowing quicker insight into user progression, engagement and conversion. This is useful not only upon app launch, but Read More

How do I configure how revenue is reported?

You can configure how revenue is reported on the Report Settings screen, in the Reporting Revenue section. On the Settings menu, select Report settings. The Multiplier field defines the multiplier to be applied to the default currency (USD) for reporting revenue KPIs. The default value is 1.0. This means that every dollar sold is represented 1:1 in Read More

How do I find out if my economy is balanced?

Use the currency-based KPIs to identify whether users have too much (sources) or too little (sinks) virtual currency. With too much virtual currency on their hands, users don’t buy enough currency. With too little currency, they get needlessly frustrated. Currency-based KPIs track how much virtual currency is being purchased, given (by the app), and spent Read More

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