Analytics FAQ

Email and SMS campaign content

Add customized, channel-specific content with Swrve’s new campaign workflow. Swrve’s streamlined campaign workflow gives you several options to set up, customize, and manage your campaigns. The new campaign workflow is now available for all campaign types except geo-triggered notifications. This article covers adding content to an email or SMS campaign. For information about adding content other Read More

What is the latency of data in Swrve?

Latency in Swrve depends on the type of data in question. The table below lists the approximate latency for different reporting data in Swrve. Data type Relevancy Total latency in realtime mode Segment membership A/B tests Campaign audiences Trend reports Segments screen Data written every 2 seconds All KPIs Trend reports KPI Metrics dashboard A/B Read More

How do I export Swrve KPI data into Google Spreadsheet using the Export API?

Swrve’s Export API provides a basic set of per-KPI function calls that can be combined with the Google docs ImportHtml feature to enable a direct pull of KPI information into Google Spreadsheets. Prerequisites You need the following to get started: Your API key and personal key. These are provided for each specific app and each Read More

How do I export Swrve KPI data into Excel using the Export API?

Swrve’s Export API provides a basic set of per-KPI function calls that can be combined with the Excel Web Query feature to enable a direct pull of KPI information into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Prerequisites You need the following to get started: Your API key and personal key. These are provided for each specific app and Read More

What are the causes of revenue disparity between Swrve and other services?

Review this article to identify causes for revenue disparity between Swrve and other services. You can identify many causes for revenue differences by comparing the details in the Swrve service with the revenue totals seen in your mobile app store. You can investigate many revenue differences by reviewing the data received for a specific device. Read More

Targeting users by churn propensity

Target your users based on their risk of churning with Swrve’s new churn propensity feature. What are churn propensity scores? Swrve generates a score for each user who has not already churned from your app on a scale of 0 to 100 indicating how likely they are to churn within the next 30 days—that is, Read More

Can I still use Swrve if I’m already using another analytics provider?

Yes. You can use Swrve for the following purposes: Use Swrve for A/B testing only. Use a combination of Swrve and another service for analytics. Use Swrve as your only source of analytics and A/B testing. Of course, you should be aware of the bandwidth and battery costs of sending an event stream to multiple analytics Read More

How do I find out what makes users spend real money?

Finding out the items on which your users are spending real money can help you understand where to focus your promotions. Behavior may vary by segment so you’ll want to know whether your high rollers are spending money on the same items as your first time payers. You might also be wondering: Are my top-selling Read More

What is the data source for the user attributes report?

The lifetime spend, lifetime minutes in app, and app version data on the User Attributes screen is calculated automatically for you by Swrve. The other attributes (level, age, gender and location) must be supplied by your development team to Swrve during your Swrve integration process. All default user attributes included in the user event must be Read More

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