Editing in-app message content
Designing in-app message Stories
Intro to in-app messages
Tailor your in-app messages using Swrve’s customizable features, such as multi-page messages, custom text styles, and animated GIF images! In the in-app messages workflow, there are several tools to help you add to and edit the content of your in-app message campaigns. This article explains how to use the various options available in the content Read More
Leverage in-app message Stories to create a sequence of highly engaging, seamless content. While Classic in-app messages allow you to present multiple pieces of content using Pages, they require users to manually navigate between Pages via buttons or swiping. With Stories, you have the flexibility to set the duration for each page, enabling automatic transitions Read More
Communicate directly with your customers while they’re using your app with Swrve’s dynamic, contextual in-app messages. Swrve’s in-app messaging service supports a variety of use cases to help you engage with your customers in a relevant and personalized manner. Use in-app messages to: Improve conversion – Send time-limited offers to users who have interacted with Read More