Intro to Swrve analytics
Push opt-in report (new!)
Trend Reports
The KPI Metrics dashboard
Intro to KPIs
KPI definitions
Events report
Top Items report
Item Charts report
Funnels report
Swrve’s analytics capabilities ensure you always have total visibility over how your campaigns are performing and what you need to change. Swrve enables you not only to track KPIs but also keep a close eye on how A/B tests, changes to user experience, and in-app marketing campaigns are affecting the numbers that matter. The Analytics Read More
Encourage your users to enable push notifications in their mobile app to significantly boost engagement and increase the likelihood of conversions. Monitor annual and monthly opt-in rates to gain valuable insights into your push channel’s effectiveness, providing opportunities to increase user engagement and retention. Native in-app messaging provides a direct call-to-action for acquiring push permissions Read More
Create and manage reports that compare various metrics over time for all your users or selected groups of users with Swrve Trend Reports. Compare app-level metrics with individual campaign metrics, to quickly see how different campaigns are impacting your overall results. Trend Reports combine the functionality of the previous KPI Charts, Event Details, and Item Read More
If selected as your default dashboard, the KPI Metrics dashboard is the first screen that displays when you select an app on the Apps screen. The KPI Metrics dashboard enables you to monitor and analyze your app’s performance over the past 24 hours. The KPI Metrics dashboard contains the following three sections: Dashboard header Activity and monetization Read More
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are useful metrics for gaining insight into the behavior of your app in a variety of different ways. Swrve KPIs enable you to monitor and analyze monetization, new user retention and reengagement, in-app currency flows, item sales and session statistics. You can access all Swrve KPI data, in customizable graph format, Read More
Swrve measures a variety of key performance indicators (KPIs) that help you gain valuable insights into the behavior of your app users. This article provides a full list of KPI definitions. For more information about the various KPI reports available in Swrve, see Intro to Swrve analytics. KPI Description DAU The number of daily active Read More
Monitor your app events with the options available in the Events report: The Events report displays a high level overview of all the events that your app has sent to Swrve. The Event Details screen displays additional details for a particular event. Events report To access the Events report, on the Analytics menu, select Events. The columns in the Read More
The Top Items report enables you to track your top-selling items in terms of both real currency (USD) and any virtual currencies you have set up. You can track your top-selling items by unit sales, by currency spent and by items most commonly purchased after users have bought virtual currency. By monitoring your top-selling items, Read More
The Item Charts screen enables you to track the performance of items in terms of the number of items sold and the currency spent. You can track items individually or by group (item filter) and you can select a particular user segment or currency for which you want to view data. By monitoring items, you Read More
The Funnels report displays select app funnels in graphical and tabular format. A funnel represents the linear flow through a sequence of selected app events (sent from the app to Swrve) to enable you to identify drop-offs. To access the Funnels report, on the Analytics menu, select Funnels. You can perform the following actions to customize the data displayed Read More