Last modified July 13, 2022 by Sara-Jane Holbein

Swrve Slack Integration

Slack is a messaging app for business that connects people to the information that they need. Swrve’s Slack integration gives you visibility of all campaign-related activity occurring in your Swrve apps.


Swrve’s Slack integration

When you connect your Slack workspace to a Swrve app, Swrve automatically posts updates to the designated Slack channel. This is especially useful for marketers and developers who use Swrve’s experience APIs to create and manage campaigns programmatically.

Auto-generated Slack messages from Swrve

With the Swrve Slack integration, when a user takes any of the following campaign-related actions, Swrve posts a message in Slack: Create, Launch, Pause, Stop, Archive, Delete, Duplicate.

Each message includes the following action metadata:

  • Type – the type of campaign. For example, Push Notification.
  • Action – the action performed by the user. For example, create.
  • Campaign name – the name provided for the campaign.
  • App name – the name of the Swrve app.
  • Username – the username of the individual who performed the activity.
  • Campaign ID – the ID of the campaign.
  • Date – the time of the event or activity.

Slack configuration

There are two main steps involved in setting up the Swrve Slack integration:

  • Create a Slack app/bot and install it in your workspace.
  • Connect the Slack app to Swrve using the Slack apps auth token.

Create a Slack app

  1. To create a new Slack app, go to the Slack app center at and log in to your Slack workspace.
  2. On the Your Apps page, select Create an App / Create New App.
  3. In the Create an app window, select From scratch.
  4. Enter the App Name and select the workspace you want to use the app in, then select Create App.
  5. Under the Features section in the app navigation, select OAuth & Permissions.
  6. In the Scopes section, add the following Bot Token Scopes:
    • channels:read (list public channels)
    • chat:write (send messages into channels as bot account)
    • chat:write.public (message into public channels without needing to be added)
  7. To install the app to your workspace, under the OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace section, select Install to Workspace or Request to Install, depending on your workspace authorization.
  8. Once installed, the OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace section displays the Bot User OAuth Token for the app. Copy or save the token and proceed to the next section.

Connect Slack workspace to Swrve

To connect the Slack app to your Swrve dashboard, go to the App Settings page (on the Settings menu, select App settings).

  1. In the Slack Integration section (at the very bottom of the page), enter the Bot User OAuth Token you copied from Slack.
  2. Enter the name of Slack Channel you want to post the Swrve messages in.
  3. To activate the connection, select Save. Once active, Swrve posts campaign update events in the designated Slack channel.