• Tracking your users with Swrve User Identity

  • Track individual users across multiple devices and keep your audience in clear sight with Swrve’s User Identity feature. Prerequisites To deploy the User Identity feature and track your users across all their devices and platforms, you must have an integrated single cross-platform dashboard. For native apps (Android, iOS) upgrade your app to minimum Swrve SDK 6.0. Read More

  • Intro to segmentation

  • Create segments of your active users who have similar credentials or who display similar in-app behavior with Swrve’s real-time segmentation feature. Segmentation offers two key benefits: It makes your analytic data more meaningful by enabling you to measure, compare and act on data for specific user groups. It enables you to target specific users in Read More

  • Creating segments

  • Use segments to gain detailed insights into groups of your users or for quick targeting in your campaigns or resource A/B tests. Creating segments involves applying one or more filters to your users based on criteria such as their purchases or device data. For example, you can filter on purchase properties (such as the number Read More

  • Segment and audience filters

  • Create highly customized segments and audiences for use in your analytics, resource A/B tests, and campaigns with the segment and audience filter options available in Swrve. This article provides detailed information on data and filter types, the default or custom properties they are derived from, and how to use multiple filters to create customized, targeted Read More

  • Segmentation best practices

  • This article provides ideas about how to optimize segmentation of your app’s user base. The key to segmentation is to identify the user behaviors that you want to change. Swrve’s analytic tools might highlight, for example, that few app users are converting, that reengagement is low or that many users are dropping off at a Read More