Last modified October 9, 2018 by Shelly Wolfe

Intro to KPIs

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are useful metrics for gaining insight into the behavior of your app in a variety of different ways. Swrve KPIs enable you to monitor and analyze monetization, new user retention and reengagement, in-app currency flows, item sales and session statistics. You can access all Swrve KPI data, in customizable graph format, on the Trend Reports screen. For more information, see Trend Reports.

The most powerful aspect of Swrve KPIs is segmentation—view KPI data for all users of your app or for any individual segment you have created to track a specific behavioral segment of users. Simultaneously view any number of KPIs against any combination of segments or campaigns (including the default All Users segment), for any period of time, with Swrve Trend Reports.

Available KPIs

For a full list of the individual KPI definitions, see KPI definitions.

More information about the retention KPIs, reengagement KPIs, the currency given and currency purchased KPIs and the session count, session length and playtime KPIs is available in the FAQ section of the documentation.

If the KPI you require is not currently available in Swrve, contact your Customer Success Manager at

Partial KPI data

The values of most KPIs are updated progressively throughout the current day. As a result, most KPIs approach their final value at midnight on the current day and the final values are determined at the end of the current day (00:00). If the end of the current day has not yet been reached, the KPI data is partial data. The only exceptions to this rule are KPIs that depend on activities that occur in the future, such as retention or re-engagement KPIs.

The current day is the current calendar day in the local time frame of the app (as specified when the app was first created in Swrve).

Partial KPI data is represented as a dotted line on the KPI graph and all KPI and segment data in the data point marker tooltip is specified as partial data.

KPI update frequency

Swrve updates KPIs continuously—generally more frequently than once per hour but usually as often as every few minutes. There is a 90-minute delay from the time an event is sent from your app to the time Swrve displays this data in your dashboard. For example, if a user starts using your app at 10:00 PDT (Pacific Daylight Time), the session is displayed in Swrve at approximately 11:30 PDT.

KPI data granularity

Swrve displays and exports KPI data differently, depending on the level of granularity you are interested in seeing. Swrve enables you to view KPI data in your Trend Reports in one of the following three modes of data granularity:

  • Daily
  • Hourly
  • 24 hour rolling (Values are summed and reported for the most recent 24-hour period up to the most complete hour for the selected date range).

For detailed information about KPI data granularity, see Trend Reports.

Next steps

  • Create customized reports to monitor any combination of KPI data. For more information, see Trend Reports.