Last modified January 14, 2020 by Shelly Wolfe

Managing Conversations

Conversation campaigns are currently deprecated and support will be discontinued on December 31, 2024. For more information, see Migrating from Conversations to In-app messages.

Swrve’s Campaign center has two options for viewing your Conversation campaign results. To display only your Conversation campaigns, filter your campaign view by state and channel.

  • To expand the campaign card and view high-level metrics of a specific campaign, select View metrics Campaign reports.
  • To view a more detailed campaign report, on the Actions  menu, select View Campaign.

You can perform the following actions on the Conversations screen:

  • Create a new Conversation. For more information, see Creating Conversations.
  • Delete a Conversation in Draft status by selecting Delete campaign from the Actions  menu on the campaign summary.
  • Create a copy of a Conversation by selecting Duplicate campaign from the Actions  menu on the campaign summary.
  • Create and download a CSV file of the results for all of your campaigns. For more information, see Downloading campaign reports.

Conversation status

The Conversation status can be one of the following:

  • Draft – the Conversation has been created but not launched.
  • Pending/Scheduled – the Conversation has been launched but not yet reached its scheduled activation time.
  • Active – the Conversation has been launched and is currently being delivered.
  • Inactive – the active Conversation has been paused.
  • Archived – the Conversation has been archived.

Managing your Conversation campaigns

To view the detailed report for a particular Conversation, on the Actions  menu, select View Campaign.

Conversation report

Depending on the Conversation status, you can perform the following actions on the individual Conversation screen.

  • Edit, schedule and launch a campaign in Draft status.
  • Unschedule a Scheduled campaign, and then edit and reschedule or launch it.
  • Select Pause & Edit to pause an Active campaign, and then edit, schedule and relaunch it.
  • Select End Campaign to end and automatically archive an Active campaign.
  • Select Duplicate this conversation to create a copy of a campaign.
  • On the Conversation Details tab, select Delete this campaign to delete a campaign.

Viewing campaign details

For Conversations in any status other than Draft or Scheduled, the individual Conversation screen displays a detailed report of your Conversation campaign results (Campaign Report tab) and an overview of the Conversation content (Conversation Details tab).

Campaign Report tab

The Campaign Report tab displays the click-through figures for each page as well as results for any survey questions you may have included. It also displays the default tracking metrics and results for any custom goals you selected when creating the Conversation.

The top of the report displays overall totals for the following performance indicators, from the start of the campaign:

  • Viewed – the number of times the Conversation was started (that is, the number of impressions of the first page in the Conversation).
  • Completed – the number of times users who viewed the Conversation clicked a button option within the Conversation, rather than canceling the Conversation without selecting an option.
  • Completion Rate – the percentage of viewed Conversations that were completed.

Below the campaign totals, details are displayed for each page in the conversation, including Button Clicked totals and survey question results, if applicable.

Below the page totals, the Engagement Metrics section displays results for the default and custom metrics for users who both viewed (After Viewing) and completed (After Completing) the Conversation. Select the associated button to switch between the two views. The engagement metrics are:

  • Subsequent Time in App – The average number of minutes spent in app by users after either viewing or completing the Conversation.
  • Number of Sessions – The average number of individual sessions of users after either viewing or completing the Conversation.
  • Revenue – The average revenue generated per user after either viewing or completing the Conversation.
  • Primary and secondary campaign goals – If set, displays the average number of goals triggered per user after viewing or completing the Conversation. These goals are typically specific events or purchases.

The Metrics Over Time section displays a line graph of various KPIs for the campaign, including Views and Completed results, default metrics, custom goals and standard KPIs. The graph includes the following features:

  • View results for a selection of KPIs. Select an option from the KPI list to display the related graph.
  • View the results for Last week, Last month or All time by selecting the related link.
  • Download a CSV file of the selected KPI results by selecting the Download CSV button.

Conversation Details tab

The Conversation Details tab displays an overview of the Conversation content, target criteria, triggers and campaign goals, if selected.

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